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The Above or Beyond Integrity Report

In the USA, losses due to employees amount to more than $50 billion a year – 1% of the gross national product, and increasing 15% per year, according to the U.S. Department of Commerce. In retail establishments, employee theft is the biggest source of losses. This is estimated at 43% of shrinkage losses, compared to 30% attributed to shoplifting. Overall, employee theft can increase the cost of retail merchandise as much as 15%

In financial institutions, losses have nearly doubled in recent years. Losses due to internal fraud have been about 4 times that of burglary and robbery. In the USA the FBI estimates that internal theft accounts for 86% of all losses every year.

We can evaluate applicant attitudes and behaviours that are associated with high levels of integrity. This is useful for positions where basic trustworthiness is not enough, and integrity is an important consideration. We provide businesses and industries with a psychologically sound, research-based pre-employment screening technique that goes beyond routine methods of interviews and background checks.

Our Report Can Help You:

  • Confidentiality hire employees using responsible pre-employment testing, known for its strong predictive ability and compliance.
  • Complement your background check process with an evidence-based approach.
  • Strengthen your existing selection programme by adding a valid risk management component.
  • Optimally manage human capital risk that leads to unethical and counter-productive behaviour, negligent hiring claims, costly accidents, higher turnover, and poor service.

This assessment provides an overall rating of -

  • Recommend,
  • Qualified Recommend or
  • Not Recommended

as well as a list of specific interview questions for you to better understand the candidate.

An extensive appraisal of this integrity tests was conducted by researchers at the University of Iowa, concluded that it accurately predicted job performance and counterproductive job behaviors.

This included theft, disciplinary problems, and absenteeism.

U.S. Department of Justice

Office of Justice Programs

Security Management Volume: 38 Issue:1, January 1994

The following descriptions represent the scales that The Report  uses to achieve this goal:


Integrity (IA)

The Integrity (IA) scale is designed to help measure a candidate’s attitudes about integrity and general productivity. Higher scores on the Integrity scale are generally associated with more desirable attitudes.

Social Behaviour (SB)

The Social Behaviour (SB) section consists of questions about the candidate’s experience at work and elsewhere. The questions that make up this section seek information about a candidate’s criminal acts and convictions.

Substance Use (SU)

The Substance Use (SU) section consists of questions that are designed to elicit candidate admissions of recent use of illegal drugs at work and away from work.

Work Background (WB)

The Work Background (WB) section consists of questions that collect information about on-the-job safety and the candidate’s work experience, attendance record, and reason for leaving previous jobs.


The candidate’s score on the Integrity section is presented graphically and numerically by percentile rank. Percentile Rank indicates how the candidate’s attitudes about integrity compare to those of other candidates in the norm group. Norms are created from the results of many individual administrations of the assessment. Norms indicate the average score on the assessment and the

relative proportion of people who received each possible score. For instance, a candidate who scores at a percentile rank of 64 has a score that is better than the scores obtained by 63% of applicants who have completed the assessment.


 The assessment is administered by computer.

Although not a timed assessment, The Report is usually completed within 30 minutes.

 Once scored, a computer-generated report is created that reflects each individual’s scores. This report also provides a list of Significant Admissions and additional information as well as a list of interview questions. An overall rating of Recommend, Qualified Recommend or Not Recommended is also provided.

 If required, a spreadsheet comparing the scores of those assessed can also be provided. This is at an additional cost which is determined when the number of test-takers is confirmed.


US$210.00 + G.C.T. per assessment

**N.B. Prices subject to change. Costs are confirmed and converted to Jamaican dollars at the prevailing BOJ exchange rate on the day services are contracted. We provide telephone consultations for the interpretation and application of the results.


Above or Beyond is a trusted boutique Management Consulting firm with offices in Kingston, Jamaica and Florida, USA. With 70 years of combined expertise we work with individuals and organisations to solve problems and deliver outstanding results.

Contact info

We have done interesting and far-reaching work in all major industries: Energy, Banking, Education, Gaming, Government, Hospitality, Insurance, Finance, Manufacturing, Mining and Agriculture, Pharmaceutical, Retail and Distribution, Security, Shipping, and Telecommunications.

  • 8350 NW 52nd Ter Ste 301 Doral Florida. 33166/span>
  • 954-361-1745 | 876-948-5627
  • [email protected]
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